Tempco Custom Heater Manufacturing

Tubular Heater for Portable Washing Equipment

A manufacturer of portable parts washing systems approached Tempco with a requirement for heating their proprietary, non-hazardous, water-based cleaning solution. Their equipment is used for cleaning industrial machinery parts, particularly for automotive manufacturing.

The cleaning is accomplished via microbes in a process known as bioremediation which is the use of living microorganisms to attack or break-down contaminants. This same method has been used for decades on a much larger scale for cleaning oil spills and industrial wastewater. In this portable application, the microbes are contained within a mat that lays below the wash basin. Operation is quite simple. The heated solution is pumped up to a hand-held nozzle. As the parts are washed, the solution drains, and the mat captures the dirt where the microbes do their work. Mats can be changed out on a regular basis as needed. Essentially, the solution cleans the part(s) and the microbes clean the solution.

The manufacturer had several specifications that needed to be met:

  • Maintain the ideal operating temperature of 105°F
  • Ability to provide their own sensor to monitor fluid level
  • Support of the heater to ensure separation from the vessel floor

Tempco designed and manufactured an L-shaped Tubular Process Heater for their application. At 1,000 Watts and 120 volts, this immersion heater was ideal for heating the cleaning solution to the specified temperature of 105°F. The design incorporated an independent, customer-supplied sensor used to monitor the fluid level inside the vessel. When the fluid level drops below the heated section of the vessel, the sensor activates a warning light on the control box to alert the operator. The operator would then add more fluid to the vessel. Heater mounting brackets were used for two reasons. They provided horizontal support along the heated area to maintain separation from any contact with the vessel’s floor. They also provided a method to secure the tubular heater to the washer’s control box.

John D.

Territorial Sales Manager

April 8, 2022


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Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

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